
Anne Arundel Today

Monday, December 23, 2024

City of Annapolis City Council met June 25.

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City of Annapolis City Council met June 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Call to Order

Mayor Buckley


Alderwoman Pindell Charles

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Buckley

Roll Call

City Clerk Watkins-Eldridge

Approval of Agenda

Ceremonial Items

City Council Citation - Oscar Ross

City Council Citation - HACA Hurricanes Coaches & Volunteers - Championship Victory

City Council Citation - Claire Drapeau - First Annual Annapolis Pride Walk

Petitions, Reports and Communications

A. Reports by Committee

B. Comments by the General Public

C. Update from the Mayor


25, 2018 Legislative History

6/20/18 Finance Committee recommend favorably


The Appointment of Jared Littmann, Esq. to the Audit Committee.

AP-8-18 Legislative History

6/20/18 Finance Committee recommend favorably


The Appointment of Julie Mussog, CPA, MBA to the Audit Committee.

AP-9-18 Legislative History

6/20/18 Finance Committee recommend favorably

Consent Calendar


Transfer From: City Facility Improvements Transfer To: Transportation Oil-Water Separator Replacement

GT-19-18 Legislative History

6/6/18 Finance Committee recommend favorably

6/11/18 Finance Committee recommend favorably


Transfer From: Planning & Zoning-Salaries & Benefits (75,000); Office Of Environmental Policy-Salaries & Benefits (125,000); DPW Engineering & Construction-Salaries & Benefits (40,000); DPW Streets-Salaries & Benefits (30,000); DPW Snow-Salaries & Benefits (20,000); Recreation & Parks-Salaries (32,000) Transfer To: Mayor’s Office-Salaries & Benefits (60,000); Public Information Office-Salaries & Benefits (2,000); Purchasing-Salaries & Benefits (20,000); MIT Salaries & Benefits (80,000); Human Resources-Salaries & Benefits (8,000); DPW Administration-Salaries & Benefits (20,000); DPW Traffic Control-Salries & Benefits (10,000); DPW Buildings-Salaries & Benefits (90,000); DPW Fleet Maintenance-Salaries & Benefits (20,000); Recreation & Parks-Operating (12,000); Sale Of Property (3,100,000); Transfer To Capital Projects (3,100,000)


AFSCME 3406 Sponsors: City Council


Sponsors: City Council

Local 1926 Fire Sponsors: City Council

Local 400 Police

End of Consent Calendar

Legislative Action

Proposed Motion to Withdraw O-18-18


Public Services - Title 16 Code Amendments - For the purpose of transferring the charges for water service from Chapter 16.08 of the Code of the City of Annapolis to the Fees Schedule; transferring the charges for sewer service from Chapter 16.16 of the Code of the City of Annapolis to the Fees Schedule; clarifying the Council approval process for any rate increases determined to be necessary to cover the cost of water and sewer service; and matters generally relating to charges for water and sewer services.

Sponsors: Buckley

Legislative History

25, 2018 Second Readers


Watershed Restoration Fund - Appropriation and Use - For the purpose of reaffirming the commitment of the City Council concerning the appropriation and use of monies in the Watershed Restoration Fund.

Sponsors: Savidge, Buckley, Rodriguez, Tierney and Arnett


Creek Restoration Partnership - For the purpose of expressing the City Council’s commitment to partnering with local watershed organizations to achieve the restoration of our Creeks, and to streamlining its laws and processes to facilitate restoration project approval, completion, and perpetual maintenance.

Sponsors: Savidge, Buckley, Rodriguez, Tierney and Arnett


Equal Protection Task Force - African-American Residents - For the purpose of establishing a temporary advisory Task Force commissioned to provide the Mayor and City Council with a public forum for studying and preparing reports about the issues of African-American residents of the City of Annapolis; and matters generally relating to said Task Force.

Sponsors: Rodriguez, Paone, Tierney, Henson, Buckley, Savidge and Pindell Charles

